THE DEFAULT DOWNLOAD AND SHARED FOLDERS HAVE BEEN CHANGED. You can delete the old "Incomplete Downloads" folder. You can choose a different Shared and Download folder again if you wish.
SHARING IS ON BY DEFAULT. You can turn it off if you wish, and the setting will be remembered. (Sharing works so well in OpenFT, you may want to throttle the uploads speed in Prefs/OpenFT)
Improvements and changes in 1.3b4
• Sharing/Uploading via OpenFT now enabled.
• New Uploads tab now contains upload status information.
• Default Shared folder has been set to
OSX: "Public" in your home folder in OSX
MacOS 9: "Shared" in top level of disk for MacOS 8/9)
• Default Download folder has been set to "Downloads" inside your shared folder (so that downloaded files get shared automatically)
• Incomplete downloads folder has been changed to Preferences/iSwipeCache (so they don't get shared)
• Moved Sharing Preferences to Preferences Window
• Renamed Sharing tab in Main window to "Uploads"
• Added Register tab in Preferences window
• Added Lifetime Uploads Counter
• giftFolder no longer required
• CPU used by Gnutella searching is now limited, and user variable
Improvements in 1.3b3
Temporary OpenNap fix.
Improvements in 1.3b3
Temporary OpenNap fix.
Much faster connection to Gnutella net (should now be typically less than a minute).
More search hits in from GnutellaNet
Improved Gnutella v0.6 compatibility.
Auto download of new versions of iSwipe.
"Message of the Day" feature for news updates.
Improvements in 1.3b2
Now connects properly to Gnutella network (FINALLY!)
Compatible with latest OpenFT (0.0.8-2)
Autoinstall of OpenFT plugin (initially for donaters only)
Total network data indicator (for those on limited download accounts)
Gnutella search timeout bug fixed
Gnutella stats now update correctly
Coming Soon..
iTunes Sharing downloads!
Much more efficient download queue
More download channels
iSwipe is DonateWare. If you find it useful please make a small donation